Here’s a selection of our members’ images…
All images © copyright the respective photographer.
Welcome to the W&CCC website
Whether you use a mobile phone or a conventional camera all are welcome.
• Connect with other enthusiasts
• Visiting speakers
• Competitions
• Critique sessions for improving your images
• Technical sessions to improve your skills
• Groups covering Portrait and Street photography
Club News
Smartphone Photography by Jeanette Landon
What a treat we had on Wednesday evening. Jeanette was an enthusiastic speaker about the advantages of Smartphone photography and gave us an interactive talk. Despite members having several different makes of phones she guided us through setting them up in turn and showed many examples of the results with photos she had taken. Amongst other things, she told us how to take images of puddles with phones standing on lego bricks in the puddle, lots of other reflections and macro photography with an additional lens
Our next meeting
This week, 19th February we will be holding a print competition for The Wickenden Trophy. Members must submit a panel of 5 prints on a theme of their choice and include a short descriptive statement of the panel outlining the intentions of the photographer. This is always an excellent competition with well thought out panels. It will be judged by Rob Bonfield from Woking PS.
If you are interested then please ‘drop in’ to the meeting. We start at 7.30 for 7.45pm at Deepcut Village Centre. You will be very welcome.