For the purposes of this policy children, young people and vulnerable adults attending club meetings are considered collectively as ‘Vulnerable Individuals’.
A child is anyone under the age of 18 years as this conforms with the Children’s Act of 1989
A Vulnerable adult Is someone who:
is or may be in need of community care services by reason of mental or other disability, age or illness;
and who is or may be unable to take care of him or herself, or unable to protect him or herself against significant harm or exploitation”. (Dept of Health)
The Policy
- Members of the club are expected to treat all members with respect, politeness and dignity.
- A Vulnerable Adult is welcome to attend the club. If they are normally accompanied by a carer, then that carer/appropriate adult must accompany them to all club activities.
- Children under the age of 18 must always be accompanied by a parent/legal guardian unless written permission is given by them for a young person between 16 and 18 to attend alone. If they attend alone, they must be delivered and collected by the parent/legal guardian unless written permission is given for an alternative arrangement.
- Parents/legal guardians and other appointed responsible adults should be made aware that occasionally images of naked persons/disasters may be shown during competitions. It would be impossible to make them aware in advance, especially if members of other clubs are involved.
- Membership fees will only apply to the member and not the ‘carer’ unless they also have an interest in photography and choose to enter club competitions
- 1 to 1 mentoring of a Vulnerable Individual will only be allowed if the individual is accompanied by their parent, legal guardian or responsible, appropriate adult.
- Any Vulnerable Individual wishing to take part in an activity outside the usual meeting night must be accompanied by a parent, legal guardian or appropriate adult, unless written permission is given.
- Vulnerable Individuals should not travel alone in a members’ car to a club event without the written permission of the parent, guardian or appropriate adult.
- If a parent, appropriate adult, carer or club member needs to raise a concern, then the Chair should be contacted. If this is not possible/appropriate then the Vice-chair should be contacted. The matter should be dealt with confidentially by a small group of committee members set up for such matters. (Chair, Vice chair, ordinary member)
This policy should be reviewed annually. Nov 2022 Review date: Nov 2023